What to do after a dog attack

Dogs are amazing. Coming in a wide range of colors, sizes and personalities, dogs can add joy, humor and whimsy to our lives. Dog owners and others alike agree – dogs enrich our world.

But, just like any animal, dogs have natural instincts which may compel them to behave in manners consistent with their ancestry – and dogs are predatory by nature.  Because of this, it is so important for us to be aware of the risks inherent with canine interactions.  Among those risks is the possibility of a dog attack.  While it is impossible to prevent every instance of aggressive canine behavior, there are some things you can do to avoid it.

Leashed dog snarling at person
There are things you can do to survive a dog attack.

Should you fall victim to a dog attack, these steps may help save you!

If you are attacked by a dog…

  • Grab any object within reach and “feed” them to the dog, as they may distract and/or occupy him long enough for you to escape. Put anything you can between yourself and the dog. A sweater, a purse, a shoe. Anything.
  • Ball your hands into fists to protect your fingers.
  • Protect your face, chest and throat.
  • Yell forcefully at the dog and yell for help, but do not scream, as this may further aggravate him.
[If you are standing during the attack]
  • Hit or kick the dog in the nose or throat – attempting to hit the skull may be useless as dogs have strong skulls.
[If you are down on the ground]
  • Protect your vital organs. Immediately curl into a ball, face down, with your fisted hands over your ears and remain motionless.
  • Remember to yell for help, not scream, and do not roll around.
  • If you are bitten, resist the urge to pull away as this will further tear open your injuries.

After a dog attack

  • Tend to your wounds, applying pressure and wraps to stop the bleeding. If possible, wash with soap and warm water to avoid infection.
  • For minor injuries, contact your physician for care and counsel.
  • For major injuries, call 911.  If Emergency Medical Services are not already present, get them on the phone and onsite. For yourself. For others.
  • See a doctor immediately. Go to the emergency room if necessary.
  • Report the bite to local animal control authorities.  They can document the incident, research the dog’s attack history to determine if he has a pattern of aggression.
  • Seek legal representation, if necessary.
If you experience a dog attack and have permanent injuries, you may be entitled to financial restitution for your medical bills, loss of income, or pain and suffering.  Hold pet owners accountable. Seek help and legal representation, if necessary. When in doubt, give us a call for a free consultation to determine if you have a case.  We’re here to help you.


The family at Joseph M. Ghabour & Associates wants to remind you that we’re here for you.  If you or someone you know has been attacked by a dog, please let us help.  Give us a call at (877) 721-7201 or drop us a line.